The Power of Prayer
My husband Gabe and I have been together for almost 16 years. For our entire relationship, Gabe has been a non-believer. As for me, when we first began dating, I wasn’t fully living out my faith. Did I believe in God? Most definitely! But I wasn’t going to church or devoting time to growing my relationship with Him. In 2007, I rededicated my life to Christ, and began actively pursuing Him. Gabe has always been supportive of my quest and desire to be more deeply connected to God, and has encouraged me to grow in my faith. Though I am seeking a deeper connection with God, it is my greatest desire for Gabe to experience the goodness of God. I have prayed for him throughout our relationship, and at times, have tried to push him into a relationship with God. Recently, I have learned that it is not my job to save him, and that I need to step back and allow God to do His work. It seems as though when I let go, and let God do His thing, change began to take place. In what can only be described as the work of God, Gabe recently interceded on my behalf and led us in prayer during one of the hardest days I’ve had in a while.
I have dealt with anxiety and depression for the majority of my life, and until recently, was ashamed and scared to face it and share my struggle with others. There are days that it is difficult for me to get out of bed, but by the grace of God, I do. Recently, I began struggling more than usual, and one day on my way to work, I called Gabe hysterically crying. To be honest with you, I can’t remember what sent me into a tailspin. The only thing I can remember is feeling hopeless.
Gabe was incredibly patient and tried to calm me down. He stayed on the phone with me during my 30-minute commute to work. Just as I turned into the parking lot at work, Gabe said, “Do you want to pray?” I was shocked! I could not believe he asked me that. I, being defiant, said, “no.” Gabe didn’t hear me say I didn’t want to pray, so for the first time in our life together, my amazingly supportive husband, led us in prayer.
At this point I didn’t know if the tears were flowing from the depression or from the overwhelming feeling of hearing Gabe call out to God on my behalf. I don’t remember the exact words of the prayer, but I do remember the sense of relief that began to wash over me. It was as if Gabe’s words opened up the heavens and God rained down on me. It was the most peaceful, calming feeling I have felt in a long time.
In this moment of strife, Gabe interceded on my behalf. I am awestruck to think that Jesus did the very same thing for me when He knew His time on Earth was coming to an end. In John 17, Jesus not only prays for the disciples, but for all of us. How incredible is that? John 17:23 is my favorite verse in this chapter. Jesus prays, “You live fully in me and now I live fully in them so that they will experience perfect unity, and the world will be convinced that you have sent me, for they will see that you love each one of them with the same passionate love that you have for me” (TPT). God’s love for me is so strong that He used Gabe to remind me that I can do all things through Christ. He helped me see that I can face another day and that He lives in me. The power of prayer is undeniable and intercession transforms lives.
Stephanie Patterson is originally from Denver, Colorado, and has called Las Vegas home since 2013. She has been married to her incredibly supportive and patient husband, Gabriel, since 2008. Her blended family includes 3 children – 2 adult children living productively on their own (hallelujah!), and a spunky, creative pre-teen who keeps her on her toes. Stephanie became a mother at a young age, and in her late 30s, is finally figuring out who she is. What she has discovered about herself, thus far, is she loves to read, write, cook/bake, and nap. What she has always known is that her heart belongs to God, and she feels called to connect with people who need help seeing that God loves and accepts them as they are. Stephanie is looking forward to sharing her life experiences and hopes to connect with others through the grace and glory of God.