Find Your Local Crave Gathering

There are three things women crave: Jesus, Coffee, and Conversation! Gather around the table with women of all ages and stages who desire to have conversation that matters! We are a multi-generational group of women who meet once a month at multiple locations for dessert, Bible-Teaching, and authentic community. 

Crave Curriculum

Planted to Wonder

Do you ever feel questions bubble up beneath the surface of your faith? We realize there are two responses to those questions. We can either wander from God to find answers or plant ourselves and lean toward God in wonder for wisdom. This spring, we will look at some of the questions that lead us to become wonderers and discover the anchor that will make our faith sure.

Together, let’s unpack scripture and be transformed by it.

We have designed every gathering at Ignite Life to play a part in equipping, empowering, and mobilizing you in your faith journey with Jesus.  The same curriculum will be taught at every gathering - regardless of which location you attend.

Crave Locations

Crave Speakers

Equilla Hicks
Sarah Hechanova